TagLookup — Usage

taglookup [-c cache_mode] [-s hostname] [-p port] [-P protocol] [-h] command [command_arguments] file...

* id cddb_category cddb_id_hex: retrieves the given disc from the CDDB
  database and tags each file by closest length.
* sequence: generates a CDDB ID, queries the CDDB database
* rename: renames files based on a template with the following tokens:
    %a = artist, %g = genre. %s = song title, %t = album title
    %y = year, %n = track number
* help: this help screen

* -c cache_mode: use one of 'on', 'off' or 'only' (default: on)
* -s hostname: use hostname as the CDDB server (default: freedb.org)
* -p port: connect to CDDB server using port (default for cddbp: 888 default for http: 80)
* -P protocol: use one of 'cddbp', 'http' or 'proxy' (default: cddbp)