TagLookup — Sequence Example

A CD is ripped but the files created do not relate to the sequence that the tracks appear on the CD.

The user looks up the CDDB ID for a match (Cat: rock, ID: 0x35034105). TagLookup retrieves the track details. It then matches the tracks retrived from CDDB with the files by the least difference in track lengths.

~/yeah% ls
Art-Star.mp3   Bang.mp3       Mile-Away.mp3  Mystery.mp3    Our-Time.mp3

~/yeah% taglookup id rock 0x35034105 *.mp3
TagLookup 0.1 Release Date: 20070929 Built: Sep 29 2007 16:42:57

[ 1] Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Master E.P. (Year: 2002 Genre: Punk)
      1. Bang (3:09)
      2. Mystery Girl (2:57)
      3. Art Star (2:00)
      4. Miles Away (2:20)
      5. Our Time (3:25)
Which disc [1-1] ? 1
1: File Bang.mp3 matches Bang [Tag Saved]
2: File Mystery.mp3 matches Mystery Girl [Tag Saved]
3: File Art-Star.mp3 matches Art Star [Tag Saved]
4: File Mile-Away.mp3 matches Miles Away [Tag Saved]
5: File Our-Time.mp3 matches Our Time [Tag Saved]

~/yeah% _